Hi, I'm Topher. I wrote this site from the ground up using html, css, and javascript. I wrote it all on my phone too. Neat, huh?
It's mostly just for looks now. Maybe I'll make it do stuff someday... Until then, it's just my "Personal Profile Project Portfolio Page". :)What?
A simple single-page site themed to resemble PC desktop UI's.
Click the Start button to open the Start menu.
Select a Theme to change the style of the website.
Because, I have nothing better to do.Where?
Cincinnati, Ohio USAWhen?
Probably today.How?
I wrote it using various different code editors and IDEs from the Google Play Store. Acode and Code Editor
I used Termux to create a little Linux dev environment that allowed me to install git and Node.js, which in-turn let me install tools like SASS and FirebaseCLI.
I pieced together code I've learned from various tutorials found online. Most notably the clock from W3 and the navbar and theme switcher from Fireship.io.Next?
- Consolidate stylesheets so only ONE class needs to be edited/created per-theme.
- Add User Customizations (change wallpaper, accent color, etc).
- Add a few more styles inspired by Linux DE's like KDE and Gnome...
- Maybe add a couple more styles to the content windows (Console, IE, Notepad, Media Player, etc.).
- I'd also like to add things like a file manager that actually works. Or maybe a social management hub to collect user emails and Tweets for display on the webpage... Stuff like that would be cool.